Amaranth flour Kadhi(Fasting Recipe)

(Serves 2)

Amaranth or Rajgira flour is a powerhouse of nutrients, and the name means 'everlasting' in Greek! Out of the Grain family, this is the only one that contains Vitamin C, and can treat osteoporosis well with its high calcium content. This gluten-free grain is high on fibre, and is commonly eaten with the hull that retains most nutrients intact. It can also be used in a lot of pastas and bakery products in varying ratios, as high as 100% in flatbreads!
Amaranth is also very high in Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and potassium, and because of these exemplary healthy attributes, it is also called 'Kingseed' or 'रामदाना', rightly so! Here is a simple and flavourful recipe of 'kadhi' made with this flour, good to eat during fasting times, or even as a substitute to Gram flour in regular cooking.

Amaranth Flour- 1/4 cup
Fresh curd- 1/4 cup
Peanuts- 2 tbsp.
Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp.
Ghee- 1/2 tbsp.
Ginger, Grated-1/2 tsp.
Green chillies- 1 pc.
Rock salt- To taste
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp.
Coriander leaves- To garnish

Cook it up
Dry Roast the peanuts, and pulse in the grinder till coarse. (Do not powder)
Whisk the amaranth flour and curds together till not lumps are left, and add about 1 cup of water. Add the salt and turmeric powder and mix well.
Heat ghee in a pan, and crackle the cumin seeds in it.
Add the grated ginger and pound green chillies, and the ground peanuts.
Toss for 30 seconds and add the flour-curd mix and whisk till it starts to boil. (Be careful to not let the mixture curdle)
Cook on medium heat for 7-10 minuts, stirring frequently. (Try using the whisk instead of a spoon for a more silken texture)
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves, and serve hot with Buckwheat flour rotis/paranthas.


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