Happy New Year from the Food Owl Kitchen.

New Year's Eve is a time to celebrate, in more ways than one!
With the cosy winters in full bloom, soft gooey cupcakes are the ideal thing to bring in the new year with. And what better than to bake them with my 7-year old!!!!
As most mothers with daughters this age, everything is about 'Frozen', and we did some trying and testing. With just a little bit of tweaking, we got these 'Frozen Blue' (yes that's a new colour in the Pantone too!) cupcakes, which we have topped with a white chocolate ganache.

These are Eggless, and with Whole wheat flour, so you can eat them without guilt (Almost!). But surely ideal to avoid Maida/refined flour. They are also best to bake in a jiffy, so you can sit back and enjoy a warm cuddle with your family once they are set.

With the last post of 2015, here's wishing each one of you a very happy 2016, full of Good health, wealth, and all that your heart desires.

'Frozen' Vanilla Cupcakes
Makes 15
Prep time- 15 mins.  Cooking time- 15 mins.

For the Cupcakes-
Whole Wheat flour                - 2.5 cups
Soda bicarbonate                   - 1 tsp.
Baking powder                      - 1 tsp.
Granulated Sugar                  - 2 cups
Butter (room temperature)    - 1 cup
Fresh curds                            - 1/2 cup
Milk( room temperature)       - 1 cup
Vanilla Essence                     - 1/2 tsp.
Gel colour (blue)                   - Few drops

For the Chocolate Ganache-
White Chocolate Compound- 300 gms.
Fresh Cream                         - 100 ml.
Vanilla Essence                    - 10 drops
(For this particular batch, I used Pineapple essence, because my Little one decided so, and it worked just fine!)


Sift together flour, soda bicarb, and baking powder together. Keep Aside.
Whisk together butter and sugar till fluffy. Add the curds, milk, vanilla essence, and mix well.
Add the gel colour, and mix lightly.
Fold in the flour mix till all the ingredients mix well.
Do not overmix, as that will make the cupcakes hard.

Pour in lined cupcake moulds and bake in a preheated oven 
(180˚C for 10 mins.) for about 15-20mins, or till a skewer through the middle comes out clean.

For the ganache- whisk the cream at room temperature, and melt the chocolate compound in the microwave for 20 seconds. 
Add the essence and Mix till the mixture is glossy and smooth.
Spoon it in a piping bag with a star nozzle, and Refrigerate for just a few minutes to set.
Pipe it on the cooled down cupcakes and top with Fondant stars, silver balls etc.


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